Mass Effect 1 - Part One
Forgive sick Johnny’s heavy breathing this ep, his nose was heckka plugged.
It's Janu-Warey! Poor, poor hick Jenkins. BimJanks, Eden, Evil and Kimothy Shepherd unite to fight the evil, evil Nihilus after he kills… wait. Wait. Saren is the bad guy? But Nihilus is the bad guy name!
What’s the deal with the Epiphany Witch? Why is Jim’s neighbour on a campaign of misinformation? Is Kittizard or Ferians a better fantasy name for the Turians? Do the Turians even have genitals? Is Ashley a big ol’ Space Racist? Has Jim played Flandia? Do Asari look like whatever you find attractive?
This Week: We find the beacon on Eden Prime and prove Saren's guilt on the Citadel.
Next Week: We rescue Liara T'Soni and find the secret of Feros!
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