Square Roots - Episode 347
Everything you want in a Square Roots episode happens today! It's more Xenoblade Chronicles and we're almost finished! There's really long dungeons! Someone not understanding where the chunker ends! Jim's Full Page Failure! Caution: staying past the end credits as the bonus clips get a little... blue.
- SCREE! Eyes emoji! Skeet skeet!
- Does Comix Zone lick himself?
- A Mechon Out of Water
- The Return of Robo-Vanessa
This Week: Explore the Mechonis Capital!
Next Week: We finally, finally finish Xenoblade Chronicles!
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Thanks to Steven Morris for his awesome new theme! You can find him at: https://twitter.com/BeigeOnBeige and https://www.youtube.com/user/morrissteven
Contact Square Roots!
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Email: squarerootspodcast (at) gmail (dort) com