We wrap up Squaresoft's Vagrant Story this week, and with that the Sydney and Ashley's story ends. Lots of stuff to talk about: is Crimson Shroud an Ivalice game? Tip versus Root versus Rood? Why is Ashley holding Sydney so tenderly? What the heck happened at the Duke's secondary residence?
This Week: We finish the game!
Next Week: We recruit Archangel!
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Frankly, this episode was an embarassment of riches for possible titles. We could have had: "Butt Metal Game Music", "Nugget Furniture After Dark", "Korn's Haze Theme", "Party Talk Is In The House Tonight", "Hashtag Crime" or even "Vanessa's Giant Themed OnlyFans!" And that's not even getting into the full eight minute long hiccup attack Jim has if you listen through the credits.
This Week: We kill Kali in the Temple of Kiltia!
Next Week: We finish the game!
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Email: squarerootspodcast (at) gmail (dort) com
After we all throw Vanessa in a locker for insisting on using the term baileywick "we" continue to "play" Vagrant story, with varying degrees of quotation marks needed on a host-by-host basis. But we continue with this Cross Guy Rosencrantz heavy episode, which has not one but two Troy-from-Community style moments where Ashley is forced to realize traumatic things about his past. Also: muscle dobby, Vanessa gets increasingly angry about obtuse game lore, and so much more!
This Week: "We" defeat Rosencrantz in a duel!
Next Week: "We" kill Kali in the Temple of Kiltia!
Our Patreon: http://patreon.com/squarerootspodcast
Contact Square Roots!
Twitter: @squarerootspod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/486022898258197/
Email: squarerootspodcast (at) gmail (dort) com
Oh yeah, life goes on, until your servants and kids are taken hostage by a cult. On this first episode of Squaresoft's Vagrant Story, even I cringe at my pronunciation of Solstice. Also discussed today: bulges, butts, peek-a-boo windows, Christmas in Ivalice, impressive video game hair, and more. Also we drive Vanessa off the show by refusing to stop discussing risk levels, affinity, and weapon combos.
This Week: We get the crimson key to the underground mine.
Next Week: Defeat the Rosencrantz at the Warrior's Rest!
Our Patreon: http://patreon.com/squarerootspodcast
Contact Square Roots!
Twitter: @squarerootspod
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/486022898258197/
Email: squarerootspodcast (at) gmail (dort) com